Heal Your Anxiety And Dive Deep Into Your Purpose

Show me a person that draws their power and motivation from joy and excitement, all while conquering fear, and we’ll both be looking at limitless potential!

Envision yourself living in your own limitless potential. 

What would you be doing? Most importantly, what do you need to heal or change in order for it to become true?

This is the transformation that  I am here to help others achieve. This is THE WORK that I  have done to heal my own battle with chronic illness and hard life lessons. It is The Work that I do with all of my clients to reconnect with their innate power to heal.

Let's journey together on this deeply healing adventure. There will possibly be laughs and tears. But in the end, you will know with certainty that you are enough, you have all the answers you need within, and there is so much more waiting for you on the other side of The Work

I"m Michelle Poverman, a licenced Psychotherapist, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Teacher and Spiritual Coach. I believe that intuition is the most important, yet underutilized, mental health tool there is. I am here to guide you through The Work to feel more joy, experience great love, and walk through the fear and anxiety that has been keeping you from  having what you truly want. Are you ready?  

Check out some of the offerings below to get started!

Available Products

The Release Healing Event And Replay

The Release: A Healing Event

Monday October 21st 6-8p EST

Come join us for this Zoom Healing Event. Michelle will be using multiple Energy Healing modalities to release a few of your old trapped emotions that are lowering your vibration and potentially leading to dis-ease in the body. We will free up your energy system to heal, expand and stretch into your next chapter of life!

A replay will be available. You will receive a password via email after the event.

Click Below on "View This Module" to learn how you can best prepare for your healing!

The Ask And Receive Method For Releasing Trapped Emotions

Why do we need to release trapped emotions?

At the root of all dis-ease in the body is an unprocessed emotion(s).  Yet, we keep focusing on things outside the body to heal us.  Most healers have first hand knowledge of how big a role blocked emotions play; in most all the issues we face. We know that repeated negative emotions impact gene expression as well as the strength of our immune system. 

These "trapped" emotions  change our energy system and create blockages which impact our emotional, physical, financial and relational wellbeing! 

Practicing The Ask And Receive Method not only helps you to identify and release these emotions that are buried, it also helps you explore the messages and lessons each one of these emotions are trying to teach you. 

Your Shadow Work Transformation Bundle

Let's Expedite Your Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Healing With Shadow Work!

I'll walk you through unlocking radical self acceptance while you identify what old experiences, beliefs and stories have been holding you way back.  This simple but powerful work has the potential to raise the ceiling to what is possible for YOU and your LIFE! 

Let's do this! Grab Your Free Gift Now!

The Inspiration Hub

The Hub is your one stop shop for all my free goods!  This way, you don't have to miss a giveaway on social media or search endlessly through your emails.  It's all right here!

Once you subscribe, you'll also get notified of any and all giveaways and programs that I release. 

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